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Anahita Anais

Psychedelic Transdermal Patches: A New Delivery Mechanism

As the popularity and acceptance of psychedelics as effective therapies for mental health continues to grow, one critical factor to account for is accurate dosing. While most psychedelics are generally safe to use under supervision, intense peak experiences remain a concern for participants and facilitators alike.

Peak psychedelic states have the potential to cause anxiety and distress in some individuals and therefore carry unintended negative consequences to the therapeutic process and can be a potential roadblock for mass adoption with both patients and facilitators. One startup is aiming to address this issue by introducing a transdermal delivery mechanism.

Forbes recently interviewed the project development specialist behind the patches who stated “One of the unique challenges with psychedelics is managing the peak experience, where people may experience some adverse effects,”, “By utilizing transdermal technology, our hope is that we’re going to be able to essentially flatten the curve, make the acute peek a little bit less acute and also allow for a more extended duration of the sort of threshold effects.”

Considering the importance of dosage control for effective harm reduction and predictability of therapeutic outcomes, the controlled delivery mechanisms for psychedelics have the potential to become a new norm in clinical settings.

“The goal is to have a range of transdermal, psychedelic products that will give therapists and practitioners as many tools as they need in order to help people overcome their mental health challenges,” Strause explains. “But ultimately with an eye for the future, where people will be using these products, not just to alleviate their mental health challenges, but also for their more positive benefits.” says the president of the company behind the venture.


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The perspectives and recommendations on this website are not made by a medical professional and should not be considered medical advice. Readers are encouraged to consult their physician before taking any supplements or substances. 


While we believe that psychedelic medicines must be decriminalized, psychedelic substances are still considered  "Schedule I" substances in the US and continue to be subject to strong enforcement across nearly all states. The reader is responsible for checking their local rules and regulations and making informed decisions with all risk considerations. Microdose Guru does accept liability for its readers' personal choices. We are a strictly educational platform. 

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